12 April 2016: Article about SteamBio project in BE-Sustainable Magazine

8 April 2016: Iowa legislates to promote renewable chemicals

Iowa has passed legislation that provides tax incentives to promote renewable chemicals that uses biomass as feedstock for building block chemicals. They must have at least 50% biobased content and not to be sold or used for the production of food, fuel or feed. Further information can be found here.

15 March 2016: EU publishes study advising that bioenergy can have a significant carbon savings, reduce emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and at a much lower cost than using other renewables

The study, „Impacts of biomass consumed in the EU on carbon: quantitative assessment“ confirms that the use of bioenergy can have a significant carbon savings and can reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) after 2020 in the EU. The report was conducted by an independent scientific consortium composed of UK’s Forest Research, Alterra and VTT. It includes an assessment of the direct and indirect GHG emissions associated with different types of biofuels used for the production of electricity and heating and cooling in the EU under a variety of scenarios that look beyond 2015. The objective of the report it is to provide information on which to base further development of the role of biomass in the new climate and energy framework of the EU 2030. It also identified the importance of bioenergy in ensuring affordable renewable energy in Europe.

10 March 2016: Report highlights Spanish investment requirements

A recent report identifies that Spain will need to invest €10 billion by 2050 to meet its climate change obligations. This investment will also significantly increase energy security and minimise Exports.

4 March 2016: Oregon phases out coal power

The Oregon senate has passed a bill that will phase out coal power generation by 2020 and increase renewable energy generation. Further details can be found here.

3 March 2016: EU bioeconomy €2.1 billion turnover and 18.3 million employees (2013)

The Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) announced at its general assembly the results of the first extensive macro-economic study on the European Bioeconomy. They note that bio-based industries already play a significant role in the EU economy and are a pivotal element in the transition towards a sustainable circular economy.

March 2016: EU Consultation on sustainable bioenergy policy

The EU are currently undertaking a consultation of stakeholders on an updated sustainable bioenergy policy for the period 2020 to 2030. Responses are now invited before 10th May 2016. Further details can be found here.

March 2016: UK loosing incentive

In a series of press releases the UK Renewable Energy Association has expressed concern with the UK energy policy and that this is holding back critical long term investments in the sector. It highlights recent proposals issued in the form of a consultation document that significantly reduce financial incentives in Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme, this scheme has helped to grow the biomass industry and to deliver the majority of the UKs legally binding renewable heat targets to date.

23 February 2016: US invests in the bioeconomy

A recent report by the USDA highlights an ambition to transform rural America from a primary agri-based economy into one that „makes, creates and innovates“. Key facts within the report included: biobased products generate $369 billion and secures four million jobs to the US economy. It notes that moving 20% of plastic production to bioplastics would create a further one hundred thousand jobs.

19 February 2016: Debate on sustainability of wood for energy

An article in the British daily newspaper the Guardian highlights the complexities of ensuring that power generation using wood has a positive life cycle Impact.

10 July 2015: CommBeBiz

The SteamBio project has been presented at „CommBeBiz – Bioeconomy meets business – Free Webinars“.

29 June 2015: Brussels (Belgium)

The SteamBio project has been presented at „The Introducing SPIRE-2014 projects event“ organized by A.SPIRE.

21-22 April 2015: Brussels (Belgium)

Beside relevant FP7 and H2020 SPIRE projects SteamBio was presented at the first SPIRE Impact Workshop. For more information see the report of the workshop.

Consortium Meetings:

Glasgow (UK): 28th – 29th June 2016
Month-18 Meeting and Workshop
-> If you want to meet any of the consortium please contact Jenny Bräutigam to make arrangements.

Leuna (Germany): 2nd – 3rd February 2016
Month-12 Meeting

Stuttgart (Germany): 3rd – 4th December 2015
2nd Technical Workshop

Uppsala (Sweden): 2nd – 3rd September 2015
Month-6 Meeting

Zaragoza (Spain): 28th May 2015
1st Technical Workshop

Brussels (Belgium): 13th February 2015
Kick-off Meeting